Favorite Websites
NAME | URL | Description |
Fun Brain | http://funbrain.com | Educational Games |
ABC Teach | www.abcteach.com | Games for all ages, puzzles, reading comprehension, reports, etc. |
School Express | www.schoolexpress.com | Games, math word problems, beginning consonants, and an online store. |
Mrs. Perkins |
http://www.mrsperkins.com/index.htm |
Assessment Resource |
A to Z Teacher Stuff | http://AtoZTeacherStuff.com/lessonplans/ | Lesson Plans for PreK to Grade 12 |
Pro Teacher | http://www.proteacher.com/ | Teaching Resource for K-6 |
The Idea Box | http://www.theideabox.com/ | Early Childhood Education and Activity Resources |
Lesson Plans | http://www.lessonplanspage.com/ | Lesson Plans for PreK to Grade 12 |
Enchanted Learning | http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html | Great Kid Site |
Country Clip Art | http://www.countryclipart.com/school.htm | Clipart Site |
Crayola | http://www.crayola.com/ideas/index.cfm | Fun Family Site |
Education World | http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson057.shtml | Lesson Plans |
Scholastic | http://www.scholastic.com/index.asp | For Families, Kids, & Teachers |
The School Bell | http://www.theschoolbell.com/ | Dolch Sight Word Resource |
Carl's Corner | http://www.carlscorner.us.com/
Wow! Great Literacy Resource |