Class Information

Please CALL the school if your child will be absent (256-7721).

Children should go right to the playground when they arrive at school if they are not eating breakfast.

Your child will be given a take-home folder.  Please make sure to go through the folder each night and return it to school the NEXT day.  Also, please send your child's backpack with him/her each day and empty it each night.

When sending money for a lunch bill, book order, etc., please send it in an envelope marked with your child's name.

If your child wants to bring a water bottle to school, that is fine with me.  Make sure the container can be closed.  WATER only please!

Birthday treats may be sent.  The treats must be store bought, pre-packaged items.  No homemade treats please!  We celebrate summer birthdays in May.

Please call the school (256-7721) or send a written note when your child is going home a different way than usual.  Email may be an option if sent early in the day.  If I don't reply, I may not have had a chance to check my email or the system may be down.  In that case, call the school.

Adults wishing to eat lunch at school need to call the office by 9:00 a.m. so enough lunches are ordered.  Also, if you would like your child to be able to order yogurt instead of a meal, please let me know.